Please read FAQs before using the contact form.

We’d love to hear from you! Sometimes, email is the best way. Other times, social media is *double tap* easy access!
In the spirit of entrepreneurship and time-management…

Yayyyy! THANK YOU for your encouragement. Team TravelBreak is based on community and it’s your support that keeps us going. We’ve built BUENA for YOU… and it’s free!

The best way to show the love and send the BUENA team a virtual high-five is by dropping a comment, and sharing on social media.

Join @MyBUENALife

Do you have a passion for tech, media and lifestyle?
Please send your resume, LinkedIn, and Angel List (optional) profiles to growth [@] BUENA [dot] life with HIRE ME in the subject line. Please note that we do NOT partner without outside agencies and exclusively work in an in-house team. Please do not send us emails for agency services.

BUENA was built and brought to market with a small gritty team. We soon enough raised a Pre-Seed round.
We are SO proud of how far we’ve come along with limited resources! How much more could we do with the right advisors, funding and team?

We are focused on building the best possible tool for authentic recommendations.

If you’re an accredited angel investor, a part of a VC fund, and know people who can help us grow, please email growth [at] BUENA [dot] life

You’ll need a recommendation from a Verified User to become a Verified User. Ask a friend for a referral, they’ll have the correct email.

BUENA is currently in beta; we’d love to hear about any issues or ideas you have for our product; it’s an easy way to support our team during our development phase. Shoot us a note to feedback[@]buena[dot]life